Being a Morris dancer you do get a lot of questions! we’ve decided to put some of the most commonly asked questions and answers here.
What is Morris dancing? It is one of the oldest forms of English traditional dance. Morris dancing is thought to have originated as a way of entertaining and raising money.
Who does Morris dancing? Dancers & musicians come from a variety of backgrounds. It’s a great way of meeting new people & dancing at interesting venues.
Why choose The Brackley Morris Men? Of the 500 Morris sides in the country, we are one of only 8 surviving ‘traditional sides’. We have a four hundred year history behind us and you’ll feel pride in being part of this lively and colourful local heritage.
Can women join us? As a local ‘traditional’ side with a long history behind us we choose to retain our all-male heritage, but women are more than welcome to join our tasters and practice nights, or to join us as musicians. If you wish to pursue it beyond just having ago, we can put you in touch with other local mixed sides or ladies sides.
Can children join? Young men are encouraged to join from the age of 8-16 with parental supervision. Men who’ve never grown up also welcome.
Do you have to dance out in public? Not necessarily. The first step is to come and try it. If it’s not for you then you’ve lost nothing by having a go, though many find that you get the bug and can’t wait to get kitted up.
When do you practice? We meet every Thursday at 8pm-10pm at the Brackley Town Hall, NN13 6DS. Parking available.
What should I expect in at practice nights? Just come in comfortable shoes and clothing, and we’ll encourage you to have a go straight away. We provide the sticks, but it’s useful to bring two clean hankies. We usually have a break half way through for a cold drink and a short business meeting.
I can’t dance! Not a problem. We teach the basics of Morris dancing through repetition. All of the dancers had to start somewhere and we have men at varying stages of learning.
Can Morris dancing help me keep fit? Yes, dancing is a great form of exercise. The average practice session can burn up to 300 calories. You may have to decline some of the great cake we often get offered.
Does it cost anything? We don’t pay subscriptions as we earn enough income to cover our fixed expenses by doing a number of paid shows. If you were to progress to dancing out then you’ll require some items to make your kit, but all can be sourced quite cheaply.
I don’t drink much. Drinking beer in pubs is not obligatory. Some of the men enjoy beer. Other prefer soft drinks.
Do you need musicians? Yes. Players of traditional Morris instruments such as melodeons, concertinas, fiddles, whistles, pipe & tabor are always welcome.
Do you give to charity? Yes, we are proud to support not only local community events but also fund-raise for charities like ‘Save the Children’.
More Questions? Then drop us an email here.